Some of our group companies other than Aksa Power Generations are;

Founded in 1997, Aksa Energy is the largest publicly traded independent power producer in Turkey with its 16 power plants and 2,198 MW of installed capacity.
Active across Turkey’s energy landscape with its fuel-oil, natural gas, wind, hydroelectric and lignite power plants, Aksa Energy also operates in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), meeting the electricity need of the country with its power plant. Aksa Energy meets 5% of Turkey’s energy need and continues to implement its high efficiency projects with a sensitivity to the technological developments and with its well educated and highly qualified employees who continuously improve themselves.
Aksa Energy, one of Turkey's leading energy companies, plans to seize further investment opportunities in the African market, following its first investment in Republic of Ghana for installation of a power plant, electricity generation and the guaranteed sale of this energy via a power purchase agreement (PPA).
21.4% of Aksa Energy’s shares are publicly traded on Borsa Istanbul with AKSEN ticker since 2010. Aksa Energy, which is one of the 14 companies included in the BIST Sustainability Index in 2015, is also in the BIST 50 and BIST 100 indices.

In the year of 2004, Aksa Electricity Wholesale Co. Inc. has started its activities of electrical energy trade, based on the license issued by the Electricity Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA), in line with market formulation. Besides, Aksa Electricity is able to supply electricity directly to eligible customers as well.
Aksa Energy has expedited its energy selling activities and in this respect inspires confidence in its customers with its great and solid structure.

Aksa Natural Gas was founded in 2003 as a roofing firm to serve vigorously in a world in which environment-friendly and healthy natural gas is intensely used as an economical alternative.
It started the distribution of natural gas in Balıkesir area first. Aksa continues distribution in 11 areas where it was issued a license by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority. In each licensed area, Aksa completed most of its investments long before the expiration of compulsory investment duration, delivering natural gas to the majority of its subscribers. Please click to find out about firms and distribution areas of Aksa Natural Gas.

Aksa Tourism started its business in 2004 and currently manages Mirada del Mar Hotel located among the pine forests in Göynük, Kemer, Antalya; where the Toros mountains meet the Mediterranean Sea. Mirada Del Mar, a 5-star hotel established on approximately 109.000m² of area with 542 rooms, quickly became an indispensible vacation place for domestic and foreign tourists.
Aksa Tourism extended its scope of business by incorporating winter sports and tourism with 4-star Mirada Del Lago located in Kayseri, Erciyes in 2006 and 3-star Del Monte Hotels.

Aksa Agriculture produces meat and milk in accordance with the EU standards on 25.000 acres of land, which is rented for 30 years from İnanlı (Tekirdağ) and Gelemen (Samsun) Agriculture Enterprises privatized in 2004. Other than this, Aksa Agriculture manufactures outdoor ornamental plants and fruit trees in fully-automated greenhouses and tissue culture laboratories. On İnanlı Enterprises, drip irrigation is used to produce 2 crops per year and irrigate 10.500 grafted walnut nurseries. Animal movements are monitored using the barcode system in fully computer-integrated, 2000-capacitated modern dairy enterprises bearing avant-garde and high-technology milking systems. Our aim is to meet the demands of breeding heifers with a high genetical capacity in the upcoming years. These perfectly hygienic enterprises have become of the outstanding agriculture and stockbreeding facilities of our country.
Please visit www.kazanciholding.com.tr to gain more detailed information on Kazancı Holding and its businesses.