Aksa agricultural diesel generator models range from 30kW to 200kW, which provides reliable back up power in the event of a utility failure. Aksa’s best in class agricultural designed gen sets offers the following features:
– John Deere, heavy duty / industrial, Tier 3 emergency stationary engine
– Stamford / Aksa alternator with PMG
– Heavy duty base frame
– Manual control panel with remote start feature and analog gauges
– Secondary manual key start
– Control panel mounted directly to the base frame avoiding excessive vibration of the engine/alternator
– Silencer connected to the engine via a flex connector avoiding excessive vibration of the engine
– Load output circuit breaker panel mounted directly to the base frame avoiding excessive vibration of the engine/alternator
– Battery, battery rack and cables
– Jacket water heater
– Flex fuel lines
Aksa Power Generation manufactures gasoline, diesel, natural gas and marine generating sets range between 1 kVA to 3000 kVA as well as lighting towers and generator hardware in the manufacturing facilities in Istanbul (Turkey 20.000 m² of indoor space ), Changzou (China 100.000 m² of indoor space) and Louisiana (U.S.A., 10.000 m² of indoor space); and has become a leader and pioneer within the sector.
Call or contact us today for more information on our Agricultural Products.